Events of 2016

“Conoscere per deliberare, un anno insieme”. Il 2016 della FLE raccontato in 3 minuti
“Conoscere per deliberare, un anno insieme”. Il 2016 della FLE raccontato in 3 minuti

Happy New Year from the Luigi Einaudi Foundation. The Home of Liberals We say goodbye to 2016 with a 3-minutes video of our 2016 activities

Categories Events of 2016
Giuseppe Benedetto ospite a Tagadà, 15 dicembre 2016

In Italy, Steve Jobs would still work in his garage

Categories Events of 2016
”Eurasia and Jihadism” book presentation
”Eurasia and Jihadism” book presentation

Eurasia and jihadism, hybrid wars on the new Silk Road (Carocci editor), edited by Matteo Bressan, Stefano Felician Beccari, Alessandro Politi and Domitilla Savignoni When: Saturday, December 10th, 2016 – 5 p.m. Where: Fondazione Einaudi – Largo dei Fiorentini 1, Roma Speakers: Matteo Bressan (analyst – NATO Defense College Foundation); Stefano Felician Beccari…

Categories Events of 2016
A scholarship for the student who sold snacks at school
A scholarship for the student who sold snacks at school

Luigi Einaudi Foundation invites him in Rome: “We want to support his business acumen” A scholarship for Antonio, student of the Pininfarina di Moncalieri institute who, after creating an alternative and abusive low-cost market selling snacks to his friends, ended up blamed by no matter who. The day the School will…

Porro: “Le nuove sfide per i liberali? Le libertà messe a rischio dalla rivoluzione digitale”
Porro: “Le nuove sfide per i liberali? Le libertà messe a rischio dalla rivoluzione digitale”

[:it]La presentazione del libro di Nicola Porro è stata l'occasione per parlare del pensiero liberale, ma anche delle nuove sfide del mondo globale[:]

Categories Events of 2016
“La sinistra italiana deve affrontare il nodo giustizia a partire dalla separazione delle carriere”
“La sinistra italiana deve affrontare il nodo giustizia a partire dalla separazione delle carriere”

[:it]Il Presidente FLE Giuseppe Benedetto su giustizia e altri grandi temi in occasione della presentazione del libro di Enrico Rossi, Governatore Toscana[:]

Categories Events of 2016
More than a public service, a service ‘to’ the public
More than a public service, a service ‘to’ the public

European calls for proposals, markets and “good practices”: here are some of the solutions raised to transform Atac and Ama in competitive companies during the conference “Atac and Ama, bring the books in courts and issue European calls for proposals: a plan for landfill and transport for the reprise of…

Categories Events of 2016
Constitutional referendum survey: more than 19.000 voters
Constitutional referendum survey: more than 19.000 voters

On November 18th, at midnight – 15 days before voting day – the LEF on the constitutional referendum finally ended. Here are the final results: YES: 47.4% (9.026 Votes); NO: 49% (9.339 Votes); NOT SURE: 3.6% (78 Votes). More than 19.000 voters. NO wins, but with a negligible gap (313 votes).…

Categories Events of 2016
The industrial policy and its failures
The industrial policy and its failures

Industrial policy? The State replacing free market policies in choosing public bidding’s winners, further saving those losing biddings from bankruptcy, just when that “insane idea” is unsuccessful. This is the main topic of “Choosing winners, saving losers. The insane idea of industrial policy”, the book the author Franco Debendetti presented…

Categories Events of 2016
The new Luigi Einaudi Foundation’s Board of Directors has been elected
The new Luigi Einaudi Foundation’s Board of Directors has been elected

The LEF Board of Directors Assembly recently ended, deliberating LEF’s top positions for the next three years. Giuseppe Benedetto has been confirmed in his role of President, and Mauro Masi and Daniele Toto entered the new Board. Other than the honourable Members, the new Board is the following: Luca Frigerio…

Categories Events of 2016
The ‘Croce-gate’
The ‘Croce-gate’

Why should Benedetto Croce be considered as ‘a scandal’ in our national history? Because in a basically-totalitarian political culture he hung onto the conscience of liberty. As his anti-fascism first, and his refusal to be involved in Togliatti’s PCI in the aftermath of World War II show, not only Croce…

Categories Events of 2016
“Let us liberalize commerce”: new challenges for the liberals
“Let us liberalize commerce”: new challenges for the liberals

[:it]L'evento del 25 ottobre ha riunito diverse anime liberali sul tema del Ttip. Per Benedetto è necessario essere uniti per realizzare riforme liberali[:]

Categories Events of 2016
5G: Luigi Einaudi Foundation as a search engine
5G: Luigi Einaudi Foundation as a search engine

[:it]La tavola rotonda promossa dalla FLE sul 5G ha riunito Governo, Parlamento, aziende del settore e illustri scienziati sul tema dell'innovazione. [:]

Categories Events of 2016
Upside-down, by Davide Faraone
Upside-down, by Davide Faraone

[:it]Presentazione libro "Sottosopra. Come rimettere la Sicilia sulle sue gambe" di Davide Faraone.[:]

Categories Events of 2016
Italicum (Italian Constitutional Court, October 4th, 2016): here available the plaintiffs’ complaint
Italicum (Italian Constitutional Court, October 4th, 2016): here available the plaintiffs’ complaint

From this morning, on the Luigi Einaudi Foundation website are published the plaintiffs’ memorandums filed with the Italian Constitutional Court for the interlocutory judgment about the issues raised by the Court of Messina and Turin concerning the new electoral law. The plaintiffs’ document, moving from several preliminary observations on electoral…

Categories Events of 2016
The good expense, by Giuseppe Pennisi and Stefano Maiolo
The good expense, by Giuseppe Pennisi and Stefano Maiolo

Where: Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Roma When: July 4th, 2016 Relators: Renato Loiero (Senate’s Budget Office); Paolo De Ioanna (counselor at the Council of State); Luciano Pellicani (Professor at Luiss University in Roma). Moderator: Lorenzo Castellani (LEF scientific director) The comment. Monday, September 12th the book “The good expense” written by Giuseppe Pennisi and Stefano Maiolo…

Categories Events of 2016
Our President Giuseppe Benedetto receives the award as “Sicilian of the Year”
Our President Giuseppe Benedetto receives the award as “Sicilian of the Year”

[:it]Il Presidente della Fondazione Einaudi ha ricevuto il prestigioso premio "Aci e Galatea 2016", giunto alla sua 51° edizione[:]

Categories Events of 2016
Reasons for Yes, reasons for No. Let us reason about it
Reasons for Yes, reasons for No. Let us reason about it

[:it]12 luglio 2016. Convegno sul referendum costituzionale indetto per l'autunno del 2016, presso l'Oratorio del Gonfalone[:]

Categories Events of 2016
Letters from Italy, by Saro Freni
Letters from Italy, by Saro Freni

Presentation of Saro Freni’s book: “Letters from Italy: facts and characters. Comedies and comedians”. (Rubbettino) Where: Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Roma When: July 4th, 2016 Relators: Franco Chiarenza, Francesco Mercadante, Corrado Ocone and Mario Sechi Moderator: Enrico Morbelli

Categories Events of 2016
The future of global economy
The future of global economy

The future of Global Economy. Occupational trends, cash flows and the crisis of State sovereignty in global economy. The Conference was organized with the support of Magna Carta Bologna association on the future of global economy. Where: Accademia delle Scienze, Bologna When: June 30th, 2016 Speakers: Alberto Forchielli (CEO of Mandarin Capital Management…

Categories Events of 2016
“Freedom of press is paramount” by Alessandra De Nicola book presentation
“Freedom of press is paramount” by Alessandra De Nicola book presentation

“Freedom of press is paramount” by Alessandra De Nicola book presentation   Where: Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Roma When: June 23rd, 2016

Categories Events of 2016
“Power to the Erasmus Generation” by Sandro Gozi book presentation
“Power to the Erasmus Generation” by Sandro Gozi book presentation

“Power to the Erasmus Generation” by Sandro Gozi book presentation Where: Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Roma When: June 22nd, 2016 Speakers: Giuseppe Benedetto (President of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi), Gianfranco Passalacqua (Legal advisor in the European Policies Department) and Sandro Gozi (Undersecretary of State at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, European Policies)

Categories Events of 2016
Letters by Yoni Netanyahu, edited by Michele Silenzi
Letters by Yoni Netanyahu, edited by Michele Silenzi

[:it]Presentazione del libro Lettere di Yoni Netanyahu curato da Michele Silenzi del 13 giugno 2016[:]

Categories Events of 2016
“G-Factor”, by Francesco Cancellato
“G-Factor”, by Francesco Cancellato

[:it]Presentazione del libro Fattore G - Perché i tedeschi hanno ragione di Francesco Cancellato del 18 giugno 2016[:]

Categories Events of 2016
The costs of the Italian (in)justice
The costs of the Italian (in)justice

[:it]Focus sulla giustizia italiana con proposte di policy[:]

Lobbying and influence peddling
Lobbying and influence peddling

Lobbying and influence peddling: transparency, decision-making and guarantees safeguard Where: Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Roma When: June 6th, 2016 Speakers: Paolo Messa (Director of the American Studies think tank, Board of executives RAI); Prof. Avv. Giammarco Brenelli; Fabio Bistoncini (FB Associates); Daniele Rossi (former DG Federalimentari, EU Coordinator Food For Life); Giuseppe Mazzei (Allianz,…

Categories Events of 2016
Croce, Liberalism, Methods
Croce, Liberalism, Methods

Conference Croce, liberalism, and the Method. Organized on the occasion of Benedetto Croce – the logic of concreteness and the duty of freedom (Aracne) and Liberalism as a Method (Kairòs) by Ernesto Paolozzi Where: Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Roma When: May 23rd, 2016 Speakers: Rosalia Peluso (Federico II Napoli) Maria Panetta (La Sapienza Roma)…

Categories Events of 2016
“Einaudi vs. Keynes” by Francesco Forte book presentation
“Einaudi vs. Keynes” by Francesco Forte book presentation

The book “Einaudi vs. Keynes” by Francesco Forte will be presented Thurdsay May 19th, in the headquarters of the LEF, Largo dei Fiorentini, 1. Other speakers: prof. Natale D’Amico and prof. Flavio Felice. Lorenzo Castellani will moderate the venue.

Categories Events of 2016
Happy Birthday dear Hayek!
Happy Birthday dear Hayek!

Conference Happy Birthday Hayek! Organized with the support of LUISS Laps research group. LUISS visiting professor Kurt Leube (professor emeritus at the Stanford University, and Hayek’s pupil) will take the floor. Where: Fondazione Einaudi, Roma When: May 10th, 2016 Raffaele De Mucci, Luiss LAPS (Professor of General Sociology and Politics); Rosamaria Bitetti (Luiss…

Categories Events of 2016
In memory of Sergio Ricossa
In memory of Sergio Ricossa

[:it]Commemorazione Sergio Ricossa del 20 aprile 2016[:]

Categories Events of 2016
In memory of Giuliano Gennaio
In memory of Giuliano Gennaio

Commemoration of the young liberal Giuliano Gennaio departed before his time on April 20th, 2008. Where: Fondazione Einaudi, Roma When: April 19th, 2016

In memory of Valerio Zanone
In memory of Valerio Zanone

[:it]Commemorazione Valerio Zanone del 7 aprile 2016[:]

Categories Events of 2016
“Training for the future” by Pietro Paganini e Stefano Cianciotta
“Training for the future” by Pietro Paganini e Stefano Cianciotta

“Training for the future” by Pietro Paganini e Stefano Cianciotta book presentation Where: Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Roma When: march 23rd, 2016 Speakers: Francesco Mesano (La Stampa), Andrea Pietrini (YourCFO) Moderator: Lorenzo Castellani  

Categories Events of 2016
“Liberalism in the XX Century, from Croce to Berlin” by Corrado Ocone
“Liberalism in the XX Century, from Croce to Berlin” by Corrado Ocone

It rarely happens that a book presentation ends up in such an interesting and heated debate, the audience siding with one or the other contender. This is what happened last night in the headquarters of the Luigi Einaudi Foundation, during the presentation of the book “Liberalism in the XX Century.…

Categories Events of 2016