Energia, a Budapest parte il progetto Europeo della Fondazione Einaudi sui cambiamenti climatici – Promoting Power Purchase Agreements to achieve the net-zero target

Energia, a Budapest parte il progetto Europeo della Fondazione Einaudi sui cambiamenti climatici – Promoting Power Purchase Agreements to achieve the net-zero target

Simona Benedettini, in qualità di Energy Economist del Comitato Scientifico della Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, ha aperto il 16 marzo a Budapest la prima sessione di lavori del progetto europeo “Promoting power purchase agreements to achieve the net- zero target”, promosso dall’European Liberal Forum e che vede, tra i partner coinvolti, anche la Friedrich Naumann Foundation (Germania).

Nel workshop ungherese Benedettini ha indicato le linee guida per lo sviluppo di uno studio comparato volto ad individuare le migliori pratiche applicate negli accordi di fornitura di energia elettrica (fondamentali per raggiungere l’obiettivo di emissioni zero e per contrastare i cambiamenti climatici), nei diversi Stati aderenti alla ricerca. Hanno partecipato, oltre all’Energy Economist che rappresenta la Fondazione Luigi Einaudi di Roma e che si occupa di sviluppare l’analisi della situazione italiana, Gero Sheck per la Friedrich Naumann Foundation (Germania), Ricardo Silvestre per il Social Liberal Movement (Portogallo), William Hongsong Wang per la Fundacion para el Avance de Libertad (Spagna) e Tomas Babicz per l’Inditsuk Be (Ungheria).

L’incontro di Budapest ha segnato l’avvio di un importante lavoro che si svilupperà durante tutto il 2023 con l’intento di dare un qualificato contributo al dibattito europeo sul clima. Già è in programma un secondo workshop a Lisbona nel mese di maggio, due pubblicazioni sul tema e relativi policy brief, per concludere con un grande evento a Roma entro la fine dell’anno.


The recent REPowerEU Plan of the European Commission considers Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) a key driver to achieve the new 2030 target of 45% share of renewable energy. According to the European Commission, such target is essential to ensure the timely and effective achievement of carbon neutrality in 2050. However, the diffusion of PPAs is facing several challenges across EU Member States due to both market and legislative barriers which are intrinsic to the long-term nature of PPAs. The project intends investigating the legislative and market framework for PPAs in different EU Member States (a preliminary and not conclusive list of countries might include Italy, Hungary, Germany, Spain, Portugal) to identify best practices for the diffusion of PPAs and to contribute to the EU debate on climate policies.

The theme of PPAs communities addresses issues common to the liberal political and ideological area many issues dear to the liberal area, from combating legislative and market barriers through a transnational and supra-national perspective to ecological challenges and economic savings.

Topics: Climate policies, Energy security, Climate neutrality, Net-zero future, FF55, REPowerEU, New Green Deal

VECTOR- Techno-Sustainability

About the event

The event consists in a workshop conceived as a follow up to discuss Power Purchase on a comparative frame and agree on a final publication. Simona Benedetttini (LEF project leader) will animate the workshop to explain to them how she conceived the project and to assist them in the realisation of a cohesive in-depth chapters on a European perspective. Benedettini will help authors reflecting on several issues such as:

  • Identifying policies and market interventions which proved to be effective in promoting PPAs in EU countries
  • Achieving an in-depth understanding on relevant barriers to the diffusion of PPAs
  • Promoting the dissemination of best practices for the diffusion of PPAs
  • Providing a relevant contribution to the EU debate on climate and energy policies


Wednesday 15 March 2023

10:00 – 19:00 Participants arrival to the Hotel Castle Garden, 40-41 Lovas utca, 1012 Budapest, Hungary

20:00 Meeting at the lobby for welcome and introduction

20:30 Dinner TBD

Speaker: Renata Gravina, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi

Thursday 16 March 2023

Indítsuk Be Magyarországot Foundation, 2 Rózsahegy utca 1024 Budapest, Hungary

09:30 Introductory Remarks

Speaker: Renata Gravina, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi
Speaker: Fjona Merkaj, European Liberal Forum Project Officer

09:45 Promoting Power Purchase Agreements to achieve the net-zero target purpose, objective, and scope

Speaker: Simona Benedettini, Energy Economist, Italy

11:00 Coffee Break

11:15 Dialogue with the participants of the workshop and follow-up in view of the publication of the volume Promoting Power Purchase Agreements

Speaker: Simona Benedettini, Energy Economist, Italy
Speaker: Ricardo Silvestre, MLS, Portugal
Speaker: William Hongsong Wang, Fundación para el Avance de la Libertad, Spain
Speaker: Gero Scheck, FNF, Germany
Speaker: Tamas Babicz, IBM, Hungary

12:30 Highlights of the event goals and conclusive remarks

Speaker: Renata Gravina, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi

13:00 End of event & lunch with participants

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