Technical Scientific Committee 2020

Technical Scientific Committee 2020

The Luigi Einaudi Foundation supports and fosters the legal action undertaken by the lawyers Rocco Mauro Todero, Andrea Pruiti Ciarello (member of the Board of the Administrators of the Foundation) and Enzo Palumbo (member of the Scientific Board of the Foundation), that in the lawsuit were assisted by lawyers Federico Tedeschini (member of the Board of the Administrators of the Foundation), Ezechia Paolo Reale (member of the Scientific Board of the Foundation), and Nicola Galati.

Our lawyers requested to the Protezione Civile (that is, “Civil Protection”) Department in the Prime Minister’s Cabinet the access to the documents and the records of the Technical-Scientific Committee in relation the DDPCMs (executive acts) issued by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte during Covid-19 pandemic.

In the links below, we publish the documents we hold – in chronological order – after the lawsuit as better pointed out above.

1 – Request for the access to the documents (April 14th, 2020);

2 – Feedback reminder related to the request (April 18th, 2020);

3 – Denial of access to the documents (May 4th, 2020);

4 – Appeal in front of the Lazio Administrative Court against the denial at point 3 (May 26th, 2020);

5 – Lazio Administrative Court judgment granting appeal at point 4 (July 22nd, 2020);

6 – Request of spontaneous compliance (July 24th, 2020);

7 – Appeal against the Lazio Administrative Court filed by Avvocatura dello Stato (that is, the State’s board of administrative lawyers) (July 28th, 2020);

8 – Administrative Council of State: decree of provisional suspension of the judgment at point 5 (July 31st, 2020);

9 – Records of the Technical-Scientific Committee for Covic-19 pandemic;

10 – Avvocatura dello Stato: waiver of appeal for upcoming lack of interest in the action.


On September 4th, 2020, upholding its engagement towards the political and judiciary initiative undertaken by the Luigi Einaudi Foundation, the Government published all the Technical-Scientific Committee records in the following order:
