Luca Tedesco

Luca Tedesco

From 2021 to date he is member of the PhD in Teoria e Ricerca Educativa e Sociale at the Roma Tre University;

From 2019 to date he is member of the journal “Il Pensiero Storico”;

From 2017 to date he is member of the Scientific Committee of the Centro di studi storici, politici e sociali “Gaetano Salvemini”;

From march 2015 to date he is Associate Professor in Contemporary History at the Roma Tre University;

From 2014 to date he runs an editorial series named Ulteriori Divergenze;

From 2013 to 2017 he was member of the PhD in Teoria e ricerca educativa e sociale at the Roma Tre University;

In 2022 he was Erasmus professor presso at the VIVES University of Applied Sciences in Bruges;

In 2013 he was Erasmus professor at the Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Historische Anthropologie, Freie Universität Berlin;

From 2012 to date he is fellow of the Bruno Leoni Institute in Turin (Italy), where he runs an editorial series named Liberismi italiani.

He has published several essays on economic history and economic thought, including the following:

La proposta antiprotezionista. I liberisti in Italia dalla crisi di fine Ottocento al fascismo (2021), Anthony James Gregor e la questione del Mussolini antistatalista dalla prima guerra mondiale alla linea ‘liberista’ di de’ Stefani (2021), La crisi fin de siècle. I liberisti italiani e il modello britannico (2019), Dal libero scambio all’autarchia. Gino Borgatta e gli «interessi dell’economia nazionale» (2016), Il canto del cigno del liberoscambismo: la Lega antiprotezionista e il suo primo convegno nazionale (2008) and L’alternativa liberista. Crisi di fine secolo, antiprotezionismo e finanza democratica nei liberisti radicali (1898-1904) (2002).
