The good expense, by Giuseppe Pennisi and Stefano Maiolo

The good expense, by Giuseppe Pennisi and Stefano Maiolo

Where: Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Roma

When: July 4th, 2016

Relators: Renato Loiero (Senate’s Budget Office); Paolo De Ioanna (counselor at the Council of State); Luciano Pellicani (Professor at Luiss University in Roma).

Moderator: Lorenzo Castellani (LEF scientific director)

The comment.

Monday, September 12th the book “The good expense” written by Giuseppe Pennisi and Stefano Maiolo was presented. Does Italy expend too much? Maybe, or maybe not. Does it expend carelessly? For sure. These are the main topics raised in debate that was held yesterday. Law should be clearer. Concerning bureaucracy, policies should focus more on training and updating. Furthermore, it would be useful to promote technical competences and evaluation policies grounded on statistics and data.
